
About WINC
WINC was established in 2007 with a focus on technology development and education in all aspects of wireless systems, networking and applications. WINC provides the perfect mix for multi-disciplinary research spanning diverse areas ranging from theoretical foundations, radiation and propagation, communications theory and information theory, to system and algorithm design, networking protocols, among many others.
WINC Members

Research Project
Interactive Smart Application for Museums Education (iSAME)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play a huge role in developing and updating the functions and innovative activities for a promising economic performance of museums and cultural institutions, allowing museums to achieve remarkable success and reach their main goals of attracting people and spreading historical knowledge. As a result of the increasing numbers of technologies and

Research Project
Pre-emergency Alert IoT System-based on Wearable Devices for Diabetic Patient
According to World Health Organization (WHO), there are more than 400 million diabetic adults worldwide. In Egypt, only there are about 8 million diabetic people, and the diabetes prevalence rate is estimated to be 13.3% by 2025, according to WHO. In most cases, the diabetic person requires regular visits to the hospital for health checks. However, due to the COVID pandemic, it has become risky

Research Project
Artificial Intelligence Based Cloud Computing for Autonomous Traffic Management
Automobile-related deaths rank as one of the most common causes of death in many places, particularly developing countries; Egypt loses about 12,000 lives due to road traffic crashes every year. The greatest danger to human beings is not cars but people themselves because cars are not dangerous if driven by care and more attention. Cell phone use, whether by talking on the phone or texting
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Book Chapters