Non-reciprocal Devices Using Time Dependent Materials
This work targets an optical analogue for the electronic diode that is the cornerstone and one of the main reasons behind the diversity, maturity, and applicability of the field of electronics.
In this work, we exploit intermodal coupling within spatio-temporally modulated systems to induce coupling between modes whose group velocities attain opposite signs. We analytically prove that when properly designed, this coupling can lead to complete isolation in one of the propagation directions. This results in one-way light flow in a truly two-port system (for example two-terminal device such as a waveguide), where the energy propagates unperturbed in one direction and completely reflects when illuminating the system from the other direction. This creates an analogue for the electronic diode that is the cornerstone and one of the main reasons behind the diversity, maturity, and applicability of the field of electronics.