Comparative Study of Vehicular Proactive Caching between Cellular and VLC Networks
The rapid growth of vehicle demand, such as information sharing, entertainment, and multimedia contents, overwhelms the back-haul network. Due to this nature of the network that suffers from high link disconnections and limited resources, it is challenging to develop a new strategy to satisfy users' requirements. Proactive caching is a useful technique to mitigate the load on core networks, and determining the best caching placement of data time to enhance the network is a significant issue. However, radiofrequency is spreading and supporting multiple channels communication, and has a licensed bandwidth and low data rates. In this paper, a novel proactive caching scheme based on an optical communication system is proposed. We exploit the high data rate of visible light communication VLC in the vehicular networks to minimize total network cost. The optimal caching placement is determined by solving the optimization problem through a genetic algorithm according to vehicle demand profiles. Also, we present suitable analysis for caching effects in average blocking and data throughput. Compared with radio techniques, numerical results illustrate that the proposed solution has a significant caching gain, average user blocking, and network throughput at different conditions. © 2020 IEEE.