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Ahmed El Shafie

Staff Systems Engineer

I am a staff systems Engineer at Qualcomm Inc, San Diego, CA, USA. I am also an IEEE senior member and the recipient of both the David Daniel Best Doctoral Thesis Award, in 2018, and the Jonsson School Industrial Advisory Council Fellowship Award, in 2017. I also received the IEEE Transactions on Communications Exemplary Reviewer in 2015, 2016, and 2017. In addition, I received the IEEE Communications Letters Exemplary Reviewer, in 2016. I was nominated for the 2018 CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award. I am an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM), the IEEE Communications Letters and IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society (IEEE OJ-COM). I served as a guest Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. In addition, I served as an Associate Editor for Physical Communications and Transactions on Emerging Technologies in Telecommunications. I received the Qualcomm star (Qualstar) award on Feb. 2019, Oct. 2019, Nov. 2019, Jan. 2020, June 2020.